Sunday 30 September 2012

The most expensive snowboard

While researching the world’s most expensive snowboard, I found an interesting story the “King of Snow Mountain” in China bought solid gold snowboard at a price of $10 million which has been custom made in the USA and the best bit is that it's motorised and all this for his son’s 21st birthday.

That is not it by the way. Enough with the rich and famous well not really cause the Burton Method is one hell of an investment if you work it out at a price per Kg basis it’s more expensive than Silver!  It has an extremely light core it’s a bit like picking up a block of polystyrene when you’ve expected to lift a house brick. This is also an extremely sexy board to look at. There’s no top-sheet, just a clear laminate to showcase the exquisite carbon fibre composite construction. It also has the Methlon base which Burton claim is the slipperiest substance known to man, other than Jelly which doesn’t make a great snowboard base. That's the technical mumbo jumbo have a look at it you be the judge of is it cool or worth it all that money.

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